I’m Running Because…
II love Owen Sound.
This is where I was born and raised, where my community is, where I chose to come back to and where I’m choosing to raise a family. Owen Sound has everything I need but I know that as much as I’ve been nurtured here, there are members of our community who are suffering because of the complex challenges facing the city. When anyone is suffering or struggling, it means that we’re not living up to the best of our potential as a community.
City Council can’t solve all of those problems single handedly but it has a role to play in addressing every one of them by clearly identifying and researching the issues, connecting with the people and partners who can help, and mobilizing the resources at the City’s disposal to make it possible for everyone to live here with dignity and equity. To make that happen we need city councilors who will dig in to understand the issues, actively seek community input, and clearly communicate what’s happening and why.
That’s a tall order and It’s hard work. I’m running because I want to be part of the team to do that work. Throughout my education, years of community engagement, and various work in project management and facilitation I’ve developed skills and perspectives that are well suited to the style of government that will support a healthy and vibrant city. I’m asking for your vote this October to bring this vision and these values to City Council in Owen Sound.