Newsletter #1

From my first campaign newsletter:

Hi Folks, 
It's time for a campaign update.

Firstly, thanks for signing on to this email list. This list and the website are the best ways to stay up to date with the campaign, the issues, and ways to get involved. 

The nomination period for this election closed on August 19th. We know now that there are 13 people running for the 7 councillor positions, and two people running for each of the Deputy-Mayor and Mayor seats. With your help, I'm confident that I can be one of the councillors with a voice at City Hall the next four years.

There's a lot of work for City Hall to do to make Owen Sound the greatest possible city for the greatest number of people. It is possible for the City to support a vibrant, equitable, and sustainable community that will be good for today and setting us up for success 100 years from now. Bringing that vision to life will require hard work, collaboration, community engagement, and the creativity to see not only where we want to be but also how to overcome complex challenges to get there. We have a lot of hard work ahead of us before we can have those conversations in the Council Chamber, though.

The first challenge between now and October 24th is to make sure that we are stoking community conversations and supporting progressive candidates so that we elect a group of representatives who are ready to engage. There is just too much work to be done on important issues (housing and homelessness, climate action, community engagement, community safety and wellbeing, development, etc) for Owen Sound to elect a council willing to do anything other than face this work head on. 

Fortunately, there are many steps we can take to elect the Council we need. 

Read on for information about what I've been up to so far, my plan for the next few months, and steps you can take to support the election and my campaign.

My Campaign So Far

I filed my nomination papers at the start of July and immediate put up a website. I believe strongly in the importance of communication and transparency so putting up a site where folks can learn more about who I am, why I'm running, and what I bring to the table was a necessary first step.

In the time since then, I've worked with creative friends to create some campaign shirts, buttons, draft a brochure, and find a recyclable sign option. I've also had a few door-knocking outings to introduce myself and hear from residents in neighbourhoods around the city.

My Campaign Plan From Here

For the next few months I'm going to be focusing on meeting as many people and having as many conversations as possible. I'm going to do that by knocking on people's doors, attending meet and greet sessions, talking to individuals, participating in all candidates meetings, and by writing letters to the editor.

It would be a great help to have you join me on some of those adventures. Please fill out the survey here to let me know about your availability to donate time or talent to the campaign. That might look like coming door-knocking with me, arranging a coffee chat with a group you belong to, or attending all candidates meetings to show your support.

Key Dates

  • Aug 31: Final day to confirm voter registration online at

  • Sept 29: All candidates meeting hosted by the Chamber of Commerce at the Bayshore Community Center starting at 5:15 pm

  • Sept 29: Voter information letters mailed out by the City

  • Oct 12: All candidates meeting hosted by Rebound Owen Sound at the Harmony Centre

  • Oct 14: Election help centre opens at City Hall

  • Oct 15: Election help centre opens at Heritage Place Mall

  • Oct 14-24: Voting is open by phone and online.

  • Oct 24: Election Night watch party and appreciation event in the basement of the Harmony Centre, 7-9pm. Bring snacks to share. RSVP here

How You Can Help

  1. Increase Voter Turn-out
    In the 2018 election, only 43% of Owen Sound voters cast a ballot. That was the first time we used only online and phone based voting. Those are the only options again in 2022.

    One of the challenges with remote voting is that you require an individual code. That code will be mailed to all registered voters but there can be inaccuracies with the voting list. Until August 31 you can confirm that you're registered by checking at In September and October you'll need to register in person at City Hall.

    You can help to increase voter turn out by telling all of your friends and family in Owen Sound about the election, the registration process, and where to find more information on the City Website here:
    Share the voting information by email and on social media. Make sure that every organization you belong to (workplace, social group, community of faith) has heard this information.

  2. Promote Discussions about Election Issues
    We are currently at the end of the golden days of August. Folks are thinking about returning to school, enjoying the beach, harvesting the garden, and signing up for autumnal activities. You can help with this election by making sure that folks are also thinking about the ways that municipal government shapes the quality of life in our community. You can talk to friends and family, write letters to the editor, post on social media, and call in to the Open Line to share your concerns, hopes, and aspirations for the City.

    Promote conversations about the need for City participation in addressing the affordability crisis, lack of attainable or affordable housing, climate crisis, drug poisoning, etc. Let your community know that we can expect vision and collaboration from our city council and that we need to elect a city council that will lean into this work.

  3. Get Involved with a Campaign {especially this one :) }
    Campaigns take time, effort, and resources. There are many ways to get involved with my campaign and there are other progressive council candidates who also need your help. That help can be as simple as talking to your friends, sharing posts on social media or forwarding emails like this one. You could also help by knocking on doors, distributing materials, and helping with the election night event.

    If you want to volunteer with the campaign, please fill out the survey at this link:

Thank you for reading this far and for your interest in and support for my campaign. Please forward this email to anyone who you think would support the values and perspectives I want to bring to the City Council.


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